Ron's Cichlids Food

When I started raising Cichlids by the thousands I struggled to find Cichlid food that met my needs as a breeder and hobbyist. I have tried just about every type of food for my Cichlids. I started to make my own blend and within a year I had it perfected. I designed Cichlid foods that have all of the protein, veggies, color enhancing, metabolism and Immune boosting ingredients, and made it primarily sinking pellets as I needed. The results of my Cichlid food were amazing, so customers started asking if I would make some for them. This has blossomed into sending food daily to customers domestic and globally.
A few key things you will notice when using my Cichlid food...
- More Active / Robust fish. The types of protein I use help increase metabolism and their body can absorb almost all of the ingredients before it is turned into waste.
- Cichlids will produce less waste because these ingredients can all be used by the fish digestion system. A lot of other foods have a high “Filler” content like wheat, fiber, corn, etc. Fish can’t digest all of it so you see more waste and can cause Bloat.
- Faster growth, longer fins, increased metabolism, healthier overall appearance.
- Colors in your Cichlids will develop faster, increased breeding, higher fry output and less fry deformities.
- In general, your Cichlids will consume more of this food than other types of food. Because of minimal fillers the body uses it faster. Just like fitness and body builders need to eat every few hours a lean well rounded diet.
Cichlid Food Sizes
Adult Cichlid Food Size is Sinking 1.5 - 4 mm pellets & sticks designed for sub-adult and full size fish ranging from 4 - 12” in size. It is a well rounded diet of protein, veggies, fruit, and minerals.
Juvie Cichlid Food Size is Sinking 1 – 2 mm pellets designed for Juvenile & subadult fish ranging from 1.5” – 6” in Size. It has a Higher Protein Content to aid in the growth and Metabolism these smaller fish need.
Fry Cichlid Food Size is Floating/Sinking .1 – .5 mm Powder & Granule Designed for New fry up to 1” in Size. It has a 65% Protein Content to Promote quicker growth and metabolism these Small fish need.
Big Fry Cichlid Food Size is Floating/Sinking .5 – 1 mm Granule Designed for fry From 3/4" up to 1.5” in Size. It has a 65% Protein Content to Promote quicker growth and metabolism these Small fish need. Perfect for Tropical fish such as guppies, Betta, Angels, Tetras, Etc.
Mbuna Cichlid Food Mix is Sinking 1.5 - 3 mm pellets & sticks designed for sub-adult and full size fish ranging from 1.5 - 6” in size. It is a well rounded diet of protein, Extra Veggies, fruit, and minerals. Specifically designed for fish that require more Veggies in their Diet.
Big Boy Size is Floating / Sinking 3 - 6 mm pellets & sticks designed for 6" and Larger Species.. It is a well rounded diet of protein, veggies, fruit, and minerals. Designed for those bigger fish that want a bigger meal such as Big Haps, Oscars, Arowana, Catfish, SA & CA Cichlids.
Monster Munch Size is Floating / Sinking 6 - 9 mm pellets & sticks designed for 10" and Larger Species.. It is a well rounded diet of protein, veggies, fruit, and minerals. Perfect for big fish like Oscars, Jaguars, SA & CA Cichlids, and Flowerhorns
Ron’s Insect Blend (1-2mm) is Sinking 1 – 2 mm pellets designed for Juvenile, sub-adult, and Adult fish ranging from 1.5” – 6” in Size. This Blend focuses on 5 types of insects to give your fish These new “Sustainable” Proteins.
Its for All types of fish Mbuna, Peacocks, Haps, Tanganyikans, South American & Central American cichlids, Community fish such as Tetras, Rainbow fish, Rasboras, Loaches, Barbs, Angelfish, Discus, and Marine fish.
All fish types can benefit from insects in their diet.
Ron’s Veggie Wafer (12-13mm) These Large Veggie Wafers are for Plecos, Mbuna, Loaches, Shrimp, Snails, any type of fish that benefits from extra Veggies, and all types of bottom feeders as well.
Basically all fish types we have kept like to Nibble on them.
All 9 foods have an ample amount of veggies to aid in digestion and health.
Customers, Breeders, and Hobbyists from around the country on a daily basis write me to tell me the positive difference this food has made with their African Cichlids.
All Food is packaged in Food Grade Resealable Bags.