Ron's Blog – Rons Cichlids

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Peacock Cichlids are some of the most beautiful African Cichlids you can find.    Interesting Facts About Lake Malawi Aulonocara Cichlids   Flavescent Peacock Cichlid Aulonocara stuartgranti Peacock cichlids are surpassed in color only by the most superb marine tropical fishes! The Peacock Cichlids from Lake Malawi are some of the most beautiful cichlids. Their incredible coloring, brilliantly cast in blues, reds and yellows will stop you in your tracks! It’s no wonder the Aulonocara cichlids are very popular. These attractive Malawi cichlids will breed in captivity with the males displaying exceptional colors. These fish are members of the free-swimming Haplochromis group and will form schools....

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Lake Malawi Haplochromis Malawi Cichlid Haps Facts About Haplochromis and Utaka Cichlids Venustus - Giraffe HapNimbochromis venustus Malawi Cichlids known as "Haps" are the most colorful of fishes in the world !   The beautiful Malawi Cichlid Haps often display bright colors, iridescence, or striking patterns. Many are only surpassed in beauty by the most magnificent specimens of marine tropical fishes. The Haplochromis group is the largest group in the Cichlidae family, with 213 described species as of 2007. Many of the species of this group are endemic to Lake Malawi. Cichlids from this group are generally larger than the Mbuna cichlids...

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Tanganyika Cichlids Facts Tropheus, Frontosa, Goby Cichlids and more Frontosa Cichlid Cyphotilapia frontosa The scope of Lake Tanganyika cichlids includes the most unique and most costly fish in the world! Lake Tanganyika is home to some of the most unique types of cichlids found around the globe and includes some of the most expensive freshwater fish. While Lake Malawi is renown for having some of the most colorful cichlids in the world, Lake Tanganyika has a much greater diversity of cichlid species. African cichlids from Lake Tanganyika sport a high variance in body shape and fascinating behaviors. In fact, the extreme...

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Lake Malawi Mbuna Mbuna (pronounced um-boo-nah) is the common name for a large group of African haplochrominecichlids from Lake Malawi. The name mbuna means "rockfish" in the language of the Tonga people of Malawi.[2] As the name implies, most mbuna are cichlids that live among the piles of rocks and along the rocky shores of Lake Malawi, as opposed to the utaka and other "haps", cichlids that live in the open water or on sandy shores or soft substrates. Some species of mbuna are highly sexually dimorphic, although many are not. Among biologists, almost all of the haplochromine cichlid species of Lake Malawi, including mbuna and nonmbuna such as the utaka, are believed to have descended from one or a very few...

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