Star sapphire take awhile to chip (The white/Teal speckled spots). The male in the pic is 4 years old. The males I usually sell are around 1 year old and have no chips or just a handful. You have to be patient and let them mature (which they all mature at different speeds). The older they are, the more chips they will get. We DO NOT guarantee males under 6" will have chips when you receive them.
Scientific Name: Placidochromis Phenochilous Tanzania
Common Name(s): star sapphire
Geo. Origin: Lake Malawi-Tanzania
Habitat: Deep Rocky Habitats
Diet: Omnivore
Breeding: Maternal Mouthbrooder
Temperament: More Peaceful
Conspecific Temperament: Mildly Aggressive
Maximum Size: 8-9"
Temperature: 74 - 84°F
pH: 7.4 - 8.4
Water Hardness: Hard
Family: Hap
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