Dragon Blood Platinum Fire – Rons Cichlids

Dragon Blood Platinum Fire

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  • $26.00
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This is one of Ron's cichlids Signature line bred dragon bloods. The males from this strain have a Platinum, almost white, coloration with red,pink, or orange in the head, behind the gill plates or even on the fins on certain specimens. Every one is different so the one you get WILL NOT look exactly like the male in the photo, but will be somewhat similar 

Common Name(s): Dragon Blood

Orign: Line Bred Strain

Diet: Omnivore 

Breeding: Maternal Mouthbrooder

Temperament: Mildly Aggressive 

Conspecific Temperament: Mildly Aggressive

Maximum Size: 7"

pH: 7.4-8.4

Water Hardness: Hard

Family: Peacock

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