Tyrannochromis Nigriventer (Very Rare) – Rons Cichlids

Tyrannochromis Nigriventer (Very Rare)

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  • Regular price $79.00
  • 8 available

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6-7" Females in-stock. These are still young, captive bred and raised by us, they have just started to breed. Was going to make a new personal breeder group from these but decided to grow up another batch from their parents to make a group from.


Scientific Name: Tyrannochromis Nigriventer

Common Name(s): Nigriventer

Habitat: Sediment-free rocky habitat or rock-sand interface

Diet: Omnivore 

Breeding: Maternal Mouthbrooder

Maximum Size: 10-14"

Temperature: 74 - 84°F

pH: 7.4 - 8.4

Water Hardness: Hard

Family: Hap


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